Free Access to Three Modules from the NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response course

Access three modules from our NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response training course.

No payment information required. Free, unlimited, instant access including access to all the worksheets. 

  • Module 2    - Threat Actors
  • Module 4c  - Case Study of Cyber Attack
  • Module 6d - Creating a Cyber Incident Response Plan

You are enrolling to study three FREE modules from the 19-module, NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response course.

Complete the form below to get access.

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About the NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response Course

The UK-NCSC Certified Cyber Incident Planning & Response course is a comprehensive guide for enabling organisations and individuals to prepare a well-defined and managed approach to dealing with a data breach or a cyberattack. This course is targeted at a non-technical audience comprising key decision-makers and managers in both managerial and technical profiles.

  •  Certified by the UK-Government's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
  •  Accredited by the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec).
  •  Full access to all content (downloadable PDFs) for 60 calendar days
  •  19 modules with over 20 interactive exercises on all aspects of planning and response.
  •  Bonus content (worksheets, templates, how-tos, mind-maps). Content updated regularly
  •  170-page, comprehensive supporting PDF book.
  •  Access to regular live-discussions with global experts.
  • Optional Exam: Take the APMG Examination of the NCSC-Certified Training (Please note you must complete the course and obtain a certificate of completion before sitting for the exam)




Free and Immediately Usable Cyber Incident Response Template

Optimised Document Structure, Easy-to-Understand guidance on Cyber Incident Planning & Response and a ZERO-FLUFF approach makes this cyber incident response plan template immediately useful.


One of the key artefacts you need to produce as part of your planning for responding to a cyber attack is a Cyber Incident Response Plan. A document that guides you on what actions to take and how to take those actions. Our FREE cyber incident response plan template includes:

  • Clear and easy-to-understand guidance on what should be in an incident response plan (just in case you don't want to use our template.)
  • Visual workflows and guidance that you can use in your plan immediately.
  • A ZERO-Fluff content approach and practical, simple-English content that is fit-for-purpose and relevant for most organisations.


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“Any fool can know; the point is to understand.” Albert Einstein

Benefits of attending the full NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response course

NIST's IR Lifecycle

Learn how to implement NIST's Incident Response Lifecycle

ISO 27001:2013

Meet all the objectives of ISO 27001:2013's Annex A.16.1

Response Time

Reduce your time to detect and respond to cyber-attacks
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