
An exclusive gathering for cybersecurity and data privacy practitioners.

An innovative concept of producing guidance and sharing knowledge from the collective experience of seasoned practitioners. Our Wisdom of Crowds events are based on the simple principle that the wisdom of many surpasses the knowledge of a single or few.

It’s been enlightening; the first opportunity I’ve had discuss in more detail about GDPR. It’s been excellent to listen to people, subject-matter experts, to help with breach management and data mapping exercises

 Paul Sandersfield, Gentoo Group

GDPR Book (1)
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Wisdom of Crowds - June 2017

Building A Breach Ready, Secure And Agile Digital Business

 The date: 29 June, 2017

Location: Sofitel, London St. James

Download the event schedule.

Our unique events provide a great opportunity not just for open discussion and collaboration, but also the benefit of forming new business relationships and actively encouraging businesses to engage and connect with each other. With education and business facilitation being two of our core focus areas, our events provide a great opportunity not just for open discussion, but also the benefit of forming new business relationships.

Our ability to engage with leading decision makers in the cybersecurity industry puts us in an ideal position to not only facilitate discussion, but to drive development and change. 

Wisdom of Crowds brings to you the voice of leaders in their field of cybersecurity, allowing our 50,000+ global subscribers to gain the inside track on the highs and lows, the latest developments, research and predictions for the future; information that will add value to their business and cybersecurity strategies.

Keynote Speakers Topics

  • Noriswadi Ismail - Senior Manager,Advisory, Data Privacy, Ernst & Young LLP - Operationalising and prioritising GDPR
  • Laura Scaife - Managing Director,Datultacy Limited - Unlocking the GDPR: What are the right keys for the housing sector?
  • Ade Taylor - Technical Director, Secure Link UK - Cybersecurity requirements in GDPR
  • Andrew Mitchell - Client Director, Armadillo Managed Services Ltd - My other identity is your identity
  • Sam Linton - Data Protection Project Officer, Acis Group - From Project to BAU
  • Jacquie Elliott - Data Protection & Information Governance Lead, Metropolitan Housing Trust Ltd- Embedding Data Privacy Impact Assessments
  • Stephanie Vasey - Data Governance Manager, Hanover Housing - Getting there: From GDP-aaaaagh! to GDP-ah...
  • Adrian Leung - Head of Information Security, Catalyst - Developing your Security & Privacy Compliance Programme
  • Simon Edwards - European Cybersecurity Architect, Trend Micro - The evolution of cyber extortion & measures to stop the next WannaCry
Housing Security Privacy 2017

Book your seat early to avoid disappointment as we are restricted to number of attendees.

If you have any question please contact