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Wireless Exploitation Training Course

Wireless Exploitation Training Course

An intense, hands-on training that will help you understand and analyse the traffic on wireless networks and secure your assets reliant on wireless technologies

One of the most intensive & up-to-date Wireless Exploitation courses in the market, designed by experts

Sharpen your practical skills with extensive hands-on lab sessions that also test your overall learning

Cutting-edge curriculum that shows you effective tips & tricks that you can apply in the real world

Get deep insights into the power of Wireless Exploitation & also bust myths around Wireless Security


Wireless Exploitation refers to the process of analysing and often manipulating wireless data. Wireless Attacks have become increasingly common today given the volumes of data and digital assets available on wireless networks.

This intensive training course helps you understand the challenges of wireless networks and technologies and how to combat them.

It goes a step further by training you in wireless exploits so that you can enhance your skills as a pen tester and identify vulnerabilities before the advanced criminal does.

Benefits of the Wireless Exploitation Training Course

  • Upskill yourself as an ethical hacker by learning how to exploit Wireless vulnerabilities.

  • Learn to protect your organisation from criminals by beating them at their own tactics.

  • Unlock new career opportunities for yourself as a pen tester and ethical hacker.

Wireless Exploitation


Wireless Exploitation Training Course Learning Objectives:

After completing the Wireless Exploitation course, you will be able to:

  • Articulate and explain what Wireless Security is all about including the basic terminology, fundamentals and the myths around Wireless Security.

  • Explain what is WPA and WPA2 and why the latter is safer than the former. You’ll also be able to understand what makes WPA3 superior.

  • Understand the problems with WPS and how to deal with them.

  • Comprehend Wireless Hacking Methodology, the steps involved and the types of attacks.

  • Grasp the key differences between wired and wireless sniffing.

  • Fully understand what Evil Twin is and how to create an Evil Twin Access Point.

  • Understand and explain what MANA Toolkit is and what its uses are.

Feedback and Testimonials for our Courses

Kevin Hayes
The playbooks training course was a good 'part-2' to the CIPR and went into greater depth in a number of areas. The day was fun and Amar kept us moving along at a good pace.
Kevin Hayes
CISO, Cyber Risk Associates
Russ Smith

Enjoyed the course. Good mix of attendees and plenty of lively conversation. Amar steered us through it all admirably.

Russ Smith
Kim Rose

Overall the course was very good. I would strongly recommend this training to anyone who is involved in Cyber Security or has control of information assets.

Kim Rose
Information Governance Officer, Wye Valley NHS Trust
Philipp Scheiwiler

It was a great workshop with a lot of interesting people and a great learning experience.

Philipp Scheiwiler
System Engineer
Andrew Lock
This was a very helpful day and opportunity to speak with a number of operational incident responders to discuss what really works in practice and not just in theory. I gained a great deal from the day, particularly around the construction of bespoke playbooks and also a variety of useful resources to inform my learning. A really good day.
Andrew Lock
Information Security Consultant

Wireless Exploitation Course Modules 

Wireless Exploitation
  • Introduction and Terminologies.

  • Wi Fi Frames.

  • Wireless Hacking Methodology. 

  • Authentication Methods and Types of WLAN Attacks. 

  • WEP. WPA WPA-2.

  • Cafe Latte

  • Bypassing WPA2 using Aircrack-ng.

  • Evil Twin. 

  • WPA3 and Wi-Fi Guideline.

  • Manatoolkit Theory.

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