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Governance, Risk and Compliance

Governance, Risk and Compliance

The compliance and risk landscape is an increasingly complex world of new mantras, hot topics and flavours of the month. To remain competitive, organisations must have a governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) strategy that tracks legislation, regulatory compliance and stakeholder expectations.

CMA’s experience and expertise in both the assessment and management of information risk helps our clients tackle the broad issues of governance, enterprise risk management and effective compliance. We work with our clients to formulate and implement a GRC strategy to:

  • Improve strategic business decisions needed to be made.
  • Identify critical assets and their associated value.
  • Identify threats, threat actors and threat sources for high value assets.
  • Measure the likelihood that a threat will exploit a vulnerability.
  • Use effective monitoring to minimise potential incidents and reduce risk.
  • Increase efficiency to avoid fines, penalties and damage to reputation.
  • Have a consistent and clear view on risk and risk appetite.
  • Protect brand by capitalising on business models with minimal risk.
  • Communicate effectively with stakeholders.
  • Become compliant with governance and regulatory requirements.


This helps organisations identify, remediate, monitor, exploit and manage enterprise risks, as well as coordinating the utilisation of people, process and technology to improve GRC effectiveness and manage costs.




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