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Security Architecture & Design Reviews

Designing an Effective Process with People & Technology

Security Architecture & Design Reviews

A well-designed security archiecture defines and creates a uniform and consistent set of security processes, information security management systems and ensures that these align with an organisation's core goals and strategic direction.  Put another way, a badly designed or non-existent architecture leads to the famous age old adage of having to fit a square peg into a round hole.


A well designed security architecture  takes into consideration several change drivers including: 

  • Business and technology roadmaps.
  • Legislative and legal requirements.
  • Threat landscape and threat intelligence.
Furthermore, a properly implemented security architecture must achieve certain key objectives including:  
  • Provide structure, coherence and cohesiveness.
  • Enable business-to-security alignment.
  • Define a business strategy-driven security architecture and technology implementation.
  • Ensure that complicating factors, such as geography and technology, have little impact on the overall architecture.
  • Establish a common "language" for information security within the organisation.

CMA will work with organisations to develop a comprehensive and effective security change management program.






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