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Security Strategy and Roadmaps

You are Flying Blind Without a Strategy

Security Strategy and Roadmaps

CMA provides cyber security advisory services throughout the security lifecycle, helping with cyber security strategy, planning and ongoing program improvement. Our expert and experienced consultants can support you with the development of comprehensive information security strategies that are effective, manageable and offer maximum return on security investments while addressing emerging threats/risks specific to an organisation's business operations.

CMA work with organisations to develop a comprehensive risk-based security program, seeking expert oversight to enhance an established program or looking for specific guidance for major elements of their security program.

Security_Strategy.jpgCMA will:

  • Develop a comprehensive information security framework for:
    • Information protection and Information Risk Management;
    • Incident prevention and detection;
    • Incident response based on organisation risk and industry best practices.
  • Assess current progams to ensure that they meet business objectives.
  • Create a strategy to align a security program to business requirements.
  • Achieve greater benefits and returns from security budgets.
  • Assess how security capabilities facilitate risk and regulatory compliance management.
  • Align with industry trends, business dynamics and risk appetite.
  • Create detailed project plans with ownership, timelines and resource allocation.
  • Develop a roadmap for implementing the required security capabilities to close identified gaps and help reduce risk.
  • Communicate the security strategy and roadmap to business executives and stakeholders.
  • Define roles and responsibilities needed to develop a more robust security solution.
  • Measure your security posture and progress toward security goals.







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