How Senior Execs benefit from NCSC-Certified Cybersecurity Training

Date: 4 September 2020

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Senior Information Governance Officer, Tanya Fleming, shares her perspective on undergoing our NCSC-Certified cybersecurity training & how the trainer Amar Singh’s unique delivery style and rich experience helped her refresh her knowledge and prepare herself for a new role. 

Cybersecurity is one of the fastest evolving and most complex sub-domains of Information Technology. Very few people can claim that they understand all of its many nuances and are well-equipped to optimise security infrastructure, implement just the right processes and always be ahead of compliance issues, let alone be prepared enough to beat any cyber-criminal in their tracks.

This is why, like many other similarly dynamic and challenging fields, training in cybersecurity is always essential and never enough. No matter how many years one may have spent managing compliance and data security, one can always learn more and benefit from a specialised course. 

One of the recent participants from Cyber Management Alliance’s NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response Training is a paragon of the age-old adage that learning never stops. Tanya Fleming, Senior Information Governance Officer at VERITAU, has spent years implementing information assurance mechanisms, governance frameworks, creating policies to ensure compliance, providing consultancy on data protection and leading the Information Security and Incident Management team at her organisation.

Despite all this extensive experience, she was far-sighted enough to know that she would stand to gain tremendously with the world-renowned cybersecurity training delivered by Amar Singh. 

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Tanya was on the verge of making a career leap. She understood that a training course that would allow her to brush up her knowledge, enhance it with the shared insights of others like her and enrich it with the thought leadership of Amar Singh, would be just the kind of skill enrichment right for her at that crucial juncture.

Explaining her decision to sign up for the training, Tanya says, “I already handle security incidents and data breaches through my current role but I wanted to make sure that my understanding of processes was more aligned with what was happening in the corporate world rather than just within the public sector. By undergoing the training, I wanted to make sure that my methodology was correct, accurate and up to date as I start a new incident handling role.”


Tanya is happy to report that the training met her expectations to the letter. It reinforced the fact that she understood the processes and procedures she was most concerned with and it helped provide clarifications in a areas she felt she was rusty in.  

Corroborating her positive feedback for the trainer and the delivery style, she adds, “Amar was very informative while delivering the training and he explained things in a way that’s accessible to anyone who may not even have past experience, through to those who are well-experienced. The fact that he delivers the training gives it a lot of credibility. You can tell that he has had a lot of knowledge in the area.”  

Tanya enlists the following as the key aspects that made the training stand out in her opinion: 

  • Delivered at a great pace
  • Trainer understood his audience really well 
  • Provision of breakout rooms which helped to intimately interact with others and get a flavour of their opinions/different approaches 

We asked Tanya to share her biggest takeaway from the training. Interestingly, what she highlighted may be a seemingly simple point, but one that is most often overlooked by data security and crisis management teams – Don’t call an incident a “data breach” until you’re sure that data has indeed been breached.  

“The highlight of the CIPR Training for me was that Amar kept a bit of humour through the dry bits and that really maintained everyone’s interest and made the training more effective,” quips Tanya. 

More Information on the Certified Cyber Incident Planning & Response Course

The CIPR course is the perfect stepping stone for those who want to understand the basics of cybersecurity. It is also ideal for those at senior executive levels looking to enhance the cyber resilience at their organisations as well as developing their own competencies in planning, detecting and responding to a cyber-crime.

Not only is the course delivered by one of the most renowned cybersecurity trainers in the world, Amar Singh, it comes with a great reference material pack including worksheets, checklists, mind maps and free templates. It is the easiest and most effective way to enhance the efficiency and cyber-resiliency of your staff and make your business more compliant with data breach response regulations.

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