Cyber Management Alliance Officially CPE Submitter for (ISC)2

Posted by Allie Philpin

Jun 6, 2017

Cyber Management Alliance is delighted to announce that they are now official CPE (Certified Professional Education) Submitters for (ISC)2. Cyber Security professionals that attend CM-Alliance’s range of cyber security training courses qualify for (ISC)2’s CPE credits, submitted by Cyber Management Alliance, enabling them to maintain their (ISC)2 certification status.

(ISC)2 leads the way with their Gold Standard certifications in cyber security, certifying cyber, information, infrastructure and software security professionals in their careers. (ISC)2 certifications include CISSP, ISSEP, SCCP and CAP which DoD approve as baseline certifications for the IA Workforce improvement program. A requirement of (ISC)2 membership is to gain and submit a certain level of CPE (Continuing Professional Education) credits per year. Cyber Management Alliance, as a CPE Submitter, are able to submit the number of CPE credits earnt on behalf of (ISC)2 members that complete one of their cyber security training courses, keeping the CPE credit process clear and efficient.

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Gaining CPE credits is an important part of continuing professional development and is an ongoing process. Attending courses with a certified CPE Submitter ensures that you are maintaining and improving your knowledge and skills, keeping up-to-date with changing trends and new technologies. But more importantly, CPE credits verify your commitment to enhancing careers and developing a deeper understanding of the profession. They are a demonstration of your continuously evolving knowledge and skill base. 

Cyber Management Alliance’s NCSC Assured training courses – Cyber Security & Privacy Essentials (CPSE), Cyber Incident Planning & Response (CIPR), NCSC Assured Building and Optimising Incident Response Playbooks, Information Security Awareness & Training, Anatomy of a Network Attack, Management Best Practice in SAP Compliance Security & Audit Essentials (SAP CSA) and Live Online CISSP Training & Mentorship Program – qualify for CPE credits.

For more information on Cyber Management Alliance’s cyber-security training courses, contact us today. Cyber Management Alliance also provide number assessments and audits

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