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Press, Media and Publications

Our recent press coverage including interviews, articles and quoted references



Amar Singh - Managing digital assets in a new technology landscape




ICAEW – Amar Singh – How to avoid Cyber crime and bounce back after an Attack



Information Security Magazine – Cyber Response and Recovery – April 2015


Information Security Magazine – Encryption Under Attack – February 2015

Information Security Magazine – Sony Entertainment Fault – January 2015

Information Security Magazine – Mitigating the social Engineering – November 2014

Information Security Magazine – Sony Entertainment Fallout

Information Security Magazine – Maximise you employability 

Information Security Magazine – Future proofing strategy

Information Security Magazine – Choosing correct CISO

Information Security Magazine – Information Security Breaches



SC Magazine UK – Change passwords people can’t be bothered

SC Magazine UK – BT Customer data exposed

SC Magazine UK – Fake av apps on google play

SC Magazine UK – Hackers now offer 100% Satisfaction

SC Magazine UK – Linux Australia conference

SC Magazine UK – ICO Slammed for not fining breached show retailer

SC Magazine UK – Zero day opens cisco phones to eavesdropping

SC Magazine UK – New data privacy law could be delayed until 2016

SC Magazine UK – Kaspersky leaves users open to freak attack

SC Magazine UK – Stepping up to Sophisticated Attackers

SC Magazine UK – Develop a cyber crime emergency response unit