Benefits of an internal Cyber Incident Response Training

Date: 7 May 2020

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We are often asked about the benefits of internal cyber incident response training over our public or online training. This blog talks of the advantages of running an internal workshop that is tailored to your specific business, size & domain.   

Cyber Management Alliance is the first organisation to receive the recently-rebranded NCSC’s accreditation for its Cyber Incident Planning & Response course. While this course is available for individual online training, we also offer the course as a two-day, specialised workshop that offers a much more comprehensive, personalised and extended experience of the same course material.

Internal Cyber incident Response workshops The two-day workshop is delivered either online or on client premises and involves a wide range of stakeholders from all business units and functions. The highly-interactive format of this course and workshop provides an organisation several benefits, listed below.

The Advantages of running CM-Alliance’s NCSC-Certified CIPR course as a private two-day workshop

  • Fixed Price: Whilst the public training is priced per person, the internal private training is offered at a fixed price. This means your business can train a large group of stakeholders who play an important role in the company’s cybersecurity decision-making network. The two-day workshop turns out to be a very cost-effective way to mitigate risk at all human touch points in the organisation, while offering a more engaging and personalised experience to the participants. Further, the time spent on each module is extended to accommodate for lengthier exercise times. The organisation may even choose to invite its supply chain as part of the training to further ramp up its security infrastructure.


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  • Relevant scenarios: While the online public training is just as effective in helping students gain valuable insights into cyber resilience strategies and incident response procedures, a general training may not always cover scenarios that are specific to your business and domain. However, in a personalised internal workshop, our trainer will explain concepts and underline risks based on scenarios that are applicable to your business. At the end of the workshop, the organisations will be able to create new or optimise existing cyber-attack scenarios and matching incident response playbooks.  

  • Fit-for-purpose plans: A lot of companies have incident response plans which the public CIPR training can help refine. However, when you conduct a bespoke internal workshop, it will help your business make its cyber incident response plans fit for purpose and actually effective. The internal workshop can enable key decision-makers and stakeholders in the cybersecurity process to cut out the fluff from the incident response plans and curate them according to the specific needs of the business. Accurately designed plans also result in enhanced compliance and tangible reductions in detection and response times. This ultimately leads to better managed and lower data breach compensations.

  • Bespoke consultancy: This one truly takes the cake. At the fixed price you pay for the internal workshop, you can also engage our specialist practitioner for any onsite consultancy, advice and guidance at no extra cost. This often helps improve cyber and risk audit issues and findings. An internal workshop and consultancy also often results in streamlined technology investments within the organisation with the possibility of tangible savings across multiple technology sets. That means your business benefits from the years of expertise of our practitioner, a world-renowned CISO and cybersecurity thought leader, apart from having your staff trained by him. 

  • Enhanced teamwork - Our clients have usually reported significantly improved interdepartmental coordination and interaction before and during a cyber-incident, after running an internal training within their organisations. The workshop facilitates better communication amongst team members and helps them understand their individual roles and responsibilities as well as those of their team members, creating greater empathy within the team. Further, regular internal trainings have proved to create more a motivated and productive workforce as the employees feel valued thanks to the fact that the organisation is investing in their skill and career development.

If you’re interested in hosting the NCSC-certified Cyber Incident Planning & Response Course as a two-day internal workshop for your business, reach out to us at  

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