Cybersecurity Training Courses for Management and Business Executives

Date: 13 September 2018

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In this day and age, data breaches are no longer a matter of “if” but “when.” Yet, only a third of organisations believe they have adequate resources to manage security effectively, according to Ponemon’s 2017 State of Endpoint Security Risk report. The lack of confidence to face latest cybersecurity threats and to respond to data breaches in a way that complies with regulations highlights the need for cybersecurity training across the whole organisation.

Information Security Is a Business Problem

Modern organizations rely heavily on their information technology infrastructures, and any cyber incident that’s not properly dealt with has the potential to not only directly impact the bottom line in the back office but also destroy public confidence, which may be impossible to regain.

Under EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), organizations are required to report a data breach within 72 hours of becoming aware of it without undue delay.

To meet this tight deadline, senior management and business executives must understand their computer incident response team roles and responsibilities and know exactly how to deal with all aspects of a cyber attack to minimize the disruption caused by it.

Choosing the Right Solution

Very often, organizations that want to improve their cyber security incident response and protect their customers’ sensitive data, as well as other confidential business and financial information, increase their cybersecurity budgets, hoping that spending money on the latest cybersecurity protection solution will help.

In fact, global cybersecurity spending is expected to exceed $1 trillion from 2017 to 2021. But even though organizations now spend more money on cybersecurity than ever before, cybercrime damage costs are on the rise, expected to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021. Clearly, many organizations are trying to solve a strategic and operational problem with purely technical solutions and are failing miserably.

To effectively respond to cyber security incidents, senior management, business executives, and incident response teams must familiarise themselves with the vital processes, knowledge, and skills required to lead and manage cyber security incidents and achieve GDPR compliance through well-designed cybersecurity training courses.


GCHQ-Certified Cyber Incident Planning & Response (CIPR) Breach Readiness Program

The GCHQ-Certified Cyber Incident Planning & Response (CIPR) Breach Readiness Program from Cyber Management Alliance (CM-Alliance), a UK registered cyber security training provider and trusted advisor to private and public sector organisations, provides a blueprint for management to help build digital, resilient organisations in cyberspace and understand the risk and threats that may impact the bottom line.

The CIPR program is certified by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), an intelligence and security organisation responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information assurance to the government and armed forces of the United Kingdom, and it is accredited by the Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP), an organisation for advancing the professionalism of information security practitioners. The CIPR program has an accompanying GCT incident response certification with examination accredited by the APMG, world’s leading accreditation and exam institute.

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Unlike many other cybersecurity training courses, the CIPR provides a mixture of technical knowledge and practical examples when addressing strategic and operational decision making, information security, enterprise risk management, audit and compliance, business continuity, service management, human resource management, and other areas related to information security incident response.

All attendees will learn and understand the techniques and insights on incident response, be able to create and use cyber incident response checklists and cyber incident response plans, and know how to analyze recent attacks, among other things.

Senior management and business executives can also benefit from the GCHQ-Certified Cyber Incident Planning & Response Workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to explain how to prepare a defined and managed approach when responding to a data breach or cyber-attack on an information asset. The workshop is available either as a one-day public course or a two-day internal workshop.


Improve Your Cyber Defenses Now

To achieve compliance with GDPR and other regulations, organizations must develop an incident response plan supported by the right policies, procedures, and planning. Such an effort can’t be treated as an infosec program anymore. Instead, senior management and business executives must understand the roles they play in cyber response and be aware of how cyber attacks happen and the ways how to deal with them.

The GCHQ-Certified Cyber Incident Planning & Response (CIPR) Breach Readiness Program from Cyber Management Alliance (CM-Alliance) provides a blueprint for management to help build resilient organizations that are ready to thrive in the digital world. To better understand what makes the CIPR program so effective, download the Cyber Incident Planning and Response Checklist as well as the Data Breach Response Plan Mind Map today, both of which are taken directly from the program itself.

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